If you'd like to populate your nightmares, or the nightmares of your loved ones, with the endless frustration of a recursive jigsaw jigsaw, I've started a Kickstarter to get these made up: www.kickstarter.com/projects/darrencullen/jigsaw-jigsaw

The Action Man: Battlefield Casualties toys and film (as well as my Thomas the Tank and Blood Soakers toys) are part of an exhibition in Finland at Vantaan taidemuseo Artsi about childhood, war and peace, open now.

A hardly-working Commander in Chief needs a suitable vehicle for long-range bombardment of the battlefield and the golf course. I used a 1/12 scale model of a golf cart and scratch-built all the guns from styrene and metal tubes, but the top of the nuke is from a novelty lighter. Click here for more photos.