Just got sent this photo from the strike march today. I'm really so happy and honoured when my artwork is useful to people fighting on the front line for their rights, fair pay, and better working conditions 👏🏻

I'm happy that Extinction Rebellion have used my 'Don't Believe Everything Billionaires Tell You' image as part of a their #FreeThePress campaign.
It's an uphill struggle to convince the public of the urgency of the climate crisis with the media consolidated in the hands of handful of billionaires who's interests are best served by our continued reliance on fossil fuels.
Extinction Rebellion's blockade of Rupert Murdoch's printing presses last year was one of their most impressive and effective actions to date.
Prints, t-shirts, stickers and postcards of the original artwork are available from my shop.

I had to leave some of the most obsequious client journalists out of this or else I'd be painting hacks for the rest of my life. This idea came from my hobby of adding examples of client journalism to the subtitles of a screenshot of Ri Chun-hee, the famous North Korean news presenter.
BONUS CONTENT: Tom Harper, client journalist at The Sunday Times explaining what his job is.