I've started work on a zine of all my work from 2024, which I'll be sending to my Patreon backers next month. If you'd like one just sign up for £3.50+ a month on my Patreon, the cost of half a pint, and I'll send you a copy of this and if you didn't get the 2023 zine I'll throw in a copy of that too.
New backers will get the previous year's zines until they run out, which means theoretically you could game the system by waiting to back my Patreon until the last moment and get a bunch of zines for the lowest amount of cash, but I figured the vast majority of my Patreon backers are doing it because they want to help me keep making work and any rewards or prizes are a bonus. So do as thou wilt!
As ever a massive thanks to everyone who has supported my work either through Patreon or getting stuff from my online shop or anywhere else. It is literally the reason I'm able to rent a studio, keep the Hell Bus on the road and plan bigger, angrier, and more sarcastic projects in the future. Thank you so much x