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Due to high demand I'm going to open the Museum of Neoliberalism for three final days this week before I'm finally kicked out of my studio, ending with a closing party on Saturday night.

Museum open this week Thurs-Sat, 26th-28th Sept. 11am-7pm

Party on Saturday from 8.30pm til late. All welcome.

Also on Saturday from 7-8.30 is a small event where I'll be interviewing Ralph Billington, a local 88 year-old self-described revolutionary socialist and artist, and showing an exhibition of his artwork. Spaces are limited due to seating capacity. Ticket link in my story. Also here:

After the panel I'll get Ralph home and then we'll have a party. No ticket required to come to the party or to visit the museum 11am-7pm Thurs-Sat

Ralph has been calling into the museum and the space's former iteration as @wargallery since I moved here 9 years ago. A former teacher, he was kicked out of the Labour party for his opposition to the Suez invasion of 1956 and fought fascists at the Battle of Lewisham in 1977.

I've had many funny, fascinating conversations with Ralph in that time & we've become good friends. Due to his hearing he finds it hard to find people to converse with, so I thought I'd arrange a room full of them. As he says, "I'm deaf. I'll do the talking, you do the listening"

As for what's next, I've started moving into my new studio in Sydenham but the museum is still without a home and will need to go into storage. If you can help with storage (or a new home) for the exhibits please get in touch. But Gavin Grindon and myself do intend to reopen the museum at some point in the near future, hopefully an expanded one filled with even worse stuff.

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