Some impromptu new exhibits appeared today as part of the Shell-sponsored carbon capture exhibition at the Science Museum, London.

I thought it was weird that an exhibition about carbon capture, paid for by an oil company, didn't once mention that 81% of all the carbon *ever* captured by this technology has been used by oil companies and pumped back into oil wells to help extract more oil. Seems like a significant omission (ok yes we can call it a 'carbon omission')

Also thought it was weird that the exhibition didn't mention that oil corporations are some of the biggest investors in carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. No doubt because of how useful it is to them in getting more oil out of the ground, while being able to pass it off as a 'green technology' for tax breaks and marketing purposes.
But now at least, for a time, the Science Museum exhibition does mention those things, as well featuring a great new idea about a super useful product to turn all that captured carbon into.