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get your own
chicken box
(inc. p&p)
Help us print stop and search chicken boxes
On Wednesday The Home Office launched its chicken shop campaign, proudly tweeting about the introduction of re-designed take-away boxes in Morley’s, Dixy Chicken and Chicken Cottage featuring stories of people who have ‘successfully gone knife free’
The Home Office’s campaign is not only patronising, racist and dumb, it is also a shocking waste of funds that could have been spent investing in communities. The rise in violent crime has come after brutal cuts to education and youth and mental health services led by Conservative governments since 2010.
We are now crowdfunding for our own take-away box designs, responding to the government’s patronizing propaganda with useful information that can help people being unfairly targeted by the police. It is more important than ever for us to know our rights and exercise them.
We are starting with a ‘Stop & Search’ box, which will explain what power’s the police hold for searching you and how you can respond. We would also like to print “Tory cuts and spending” and “police violence, racism and deaths in custody”. These aim to bring back the focus of violence in our society back onto the worst perpetrators of it, the state, and contextualize knife crime under the political framework under which it exists.
Any money we raise will go towards the cost of cardboard and printing – we will start making them ourselves – and if we raise enough look into getting them mass-produced along with stickers which can cover the existing gov. issued boxes.
This is all set against a Boris Johnson law and order orgy, who has since coming to power rushed to announce the addition of 20,000 more police, massive prison expansion and enhanced stop and search powers. These measures go against what we know to be effective in combating violence in communities – and are a direct attack on the people who suffer most from knife crime, police violence and discrimination.
The money spent these new measures could have been used investing in our communities, re-opening youth centres, re-opening libraries, funding our schools and healthcare services. More police is not the answer, more prisons are not the answer, more racist stop & search powers are not the answer, and badly designed chicken shop boxes are definitely not the answer. We will distribute these EVERYWHERE! NATIONWIDE AND WE WILL PISS THEM OFFF MAJORLY!
The statistics on stop and search are there – under PACE laws Asian people are twice as likely to be stopped as white people, and black people are seven times as likely to be stopped as white people; these figures are even worse under Section 60 searches, now widely used in response to low-level disorder. Black people are thirty-seven times more likely to be searched than white people and for Asian people this figure is ten times. Only 2.4% of Section 60 stops lead to arrest, and just 0.4% of those for carrying offensive weapons. Clearly stop and search is not about ‘catching criminals’.